School of Letters Department of Humanities History and Geography Course Japanese History Major Major (Credit 1) Intended Year: Intended School: |
Japanese History (Lecture XI)B
Numbering Code: LET-HUM3316J Course Code: 2024 SpringTerm weekly Tue5 Ito Classroom J科目 (日本語, 日本語) |
Course Overview |
This semester, we will give a lesson on the construction of "Clan Archive Studies" in the field of the Hirado Domain in the early modern period. Hirado was an international trading port where Christianity was quickly propagated and the Dutch and English factories existed in the early modern period. Since the establishment of the so-called "鎖国(Sakoku)", the whaling industry and the development of agricultural land led by the clan have risen. On the cultural side, a ceramic industry centered on the "三河内(Mikawachi)" area also took place, and a tea ceremony called "鎮信流(Chin-Shin-Ryu)" was also developed. Furthermore, from the middle of the 18th century to the end of the Edo period, literary daimyo such as "松浦静山(Matsura Seizan)" and "松浦熈(Matsura Hirom)" appeared. The existence of such daimyo has led to the creation of long daimyo essays such as "平戸藩楽歳堂文庫(Hirado-han Rakusaido-Bunko)", "甲子夜話(Kasshi Yawa)" (Volume 278), and "亀岡随筆(Kameoka Zuihitsu)" (Volume 80), which are characteristic of foreign book collections.In addition, "楠本端山(Kusumoto Tanzan)", a scholar of the Hirado Domain, collected a huge amount of Chinese books with his younger brother, "碩水(Sekisui)". Currently, Kyushu University holds a large number of documents and Chinese books that have been handed down to the "楠本(Kusumoto)" family. Against the background of the above history, various documents created and managed in the Hirado domain are included in the "Clan Archive". On top of that, (1) quantitative grasp of the recorded materials that make up the domain archive, (2) extraction of record recognition of the recording subject (lord, domain scholar, scholar, townsman, fisherman, etc.), (3) characteristics of archives in the Hirado domain Aim to elucidate. |
Last updated | : 2024/3/4 (11:59) |