IMAP Department of Philosophy

(Credit 2)
Intended Year: All four semesters of IMAP
Intended School: IMAP / 広人文学
Japan: Arts and Visual Cultures
Japan: Arts and Visual Cultures
Sub Title  Survey
Professor Anton SCHWEIZER
Numbering Code:
Course Code:
2023 FallTerm
weekly Mon4
Ito A101(30) Classroom
E科目 (English, English)
: 2023/3/28 (15:41) 〔n/a〕
Course Overview Through a study of material and visual cultures of Japan from the third millennium BCE through the early 20th century, course participants will acquire and develop practical specialist knowledge and skills needed for further research in premodern and early modern Japanese art and cultural history.
Sessions will introduce important cultural moments and monuments that have come to define Japan and critique the historiography of their reception. It will introduce examples of paintings, statues, gardens, temples, shrines, and issues relating to culture and artistic production, with the goal of providing a window as to why art and culture are produced and how they have functioned throughout Japanese history. Lectures will discuss works and sites in detail, contextualizing these artifacts not only within their moment of creation but also their reception through history and in cultures abroad.
Keywords : art, material culture,
Prerequisites : Admission to program or permission by professor
Required Ability : Fluent English in reading and speaking
Notes Contents will be adjusted by the begin of the fall semester, ultimate syllabus will be distributed via email to IMAP students.
Remote/On-site Information regarding Moodle
対面授業 N/A

教職 :
資格 :
Course Objectives
かなり優れている 優れている 及第である 一層の努力が必要
MP_A-b [芸術作品の理解]
芸術学を対象とする領域では、芸術作品を正確に理解するとともに、重要な先行研究をふまえて作品を分析 し考察できる。
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
MP_A-c [研究史と方法論の説明]
哲学、倫理学、インド哲学史、中国哲学史、芸術学、 これらのうち一つについて、当該分野における研究史と方法論を体系的に説明できる。
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
DP_A-b [芸術作品の理解]
芸術学を対象とする領域では、芸術作品を正確に理解するとともに、重要な先行研究をふまえて作品を分析 し考察できる。
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
DP_B2-b [コミュニケーション能力]
口頭発表などの場での表現能力と討論におけるコミュニケ ーション能力を鍛える。
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
九州大学文学部ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府人文基礎専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学人文科学府歴史空間論専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府言語・文学専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学文学部哲学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部歴史学コース・カリキュラムマップ
九州大学文学部文学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部人間科学コース・カリキュラムマップ
Course Plan
授業形態(項目) 授業形態(内容)
Problem-Based Learning (問題発見・解決型学習)
Moodle の使用

Textbooks : Penelope Mason, History of Japanese Art
Reference Books : N/A
Course Handouts : Will be distributed as PDFs

Course Plan ()
Tentative Weekly Schedules Lecture Exercise, Field trip etc. Comments, suggestions for the course preparation, review, etc.
1 Tbd
2 Tbd
3 Tbd
4 Tbd
5 Tbd
6 Tbd
7 Tbd
8 Tbd
9 Tbd
10 Tbd
11 Tbd
12 Tbd
13 Tbd
14 Tbd
15 Tbd

Evaluation Method
Grading Percentage, Disqualification etc.
In-class contribution

GPA Evaluation
授業を通じて、総じて「かなり優れている」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、概ね「優れている」を超える活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「及第する」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、総じて「及第する」には達しないものの、それに近い活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「一層の努力が必要」の活動にとどまった。

Additional Information regarding Evaluation Method : n/a
Study Consultation (Office Hours) Study Consultation (Office Hours) : By appointment, in person or online

Suggestion for success (Specific) : As always, active participation is more important than factual knowledge. You should however strive to be an avid reader and acquire as much knowledge as possible.

: n/a