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以下のすべての科目のシラバスを一括閲覧 2023 年・開講科目一覧 (科目数=23) 戻る

G30 Japanese Geography Geography of Kyushu 教授
Akio Onjo
Chihiro Ito
G30 Topics in Japanese History II (Re)Constructing Japanese History: Archaeology, Text, Image, Object Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM 前期・通常 月曜3限
G30 Topics in Japanese History III (Re)Constructing Japanese History: Archaeology, Text, Image, Object Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM 後期・通常 月曜2限
G30 Upper-level Graduate Seminar: History I The Historian's Profession Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM 後期・通常 火曜3限
G30 Upper-level Graduate Seminar: History II The Historian's Profession Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM 前期・通常 火曜2限
G30 Topics in Japanese Art and Architectural History III Architecture and Spatial Experience in Premodern Japan Professor Anton SCHWEIZER 前期・通常 木曜2限
G30 Topics in Japanese Art and Architectural History IV TBD Professor Anton SCHWEIZER 後期・通常 木曜4限
G30 Topics in Japanese Art and Architectural History VII Remembering Colonial Okinawa: Sites; Narratives; and Discourses Assistant Professor Yang Yu 後期・通常 木曜2限
G30 Topics in Japanese Art and Architectural History VIII Modern/Imperial Cities Assistant Professor Yang Yu 前期・通常 水曜3限
G30 Topics in Religious Practices and Beliefs IV Independent Study Associate Professor Caleb CARTER 前期・通常 水曜2限
G30 Topics in Religious Practices and Beliefs V Modernity and the Margins of Religion Associate Professor Caleb CARTER 後期・通常 木曜3限
G30 Topics in Japanese Humanities IV 非常勤講師 清水 佳理 (Karli Shimizu) 前期・集中
G30 Japan: Arts and Visual Cultures Survey Professor Anton SCHWEIZER 後期・通常 月曜4限
G30 Japan: Religious Traditions Religious Traditions Associate Professor Caleb CARTER 春クォータ 木曜3限
G30 Japanese Humanities Research in Situ Fieldtrip in 2023 Assistant Professor Yang Yu 前期・集中
G30 Topics in Japanese Intellectual History I The Invention of Tradition in Meiji Japan Assistant Professor David WEISS 前期・通常 金曜2限
G30 Topics in Japanese Intellectual History II Remembering Colonial Okinawa: Sites, Narratives, Discourses Assistant Professor David WEISS 後期・通常 木曜2限
G30 Master Thesis Guidance Writing a Master's Thesis Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Gloria YANG
前期・通常 火曜3限
G30 Master Thesis Guidance Writing a Master's Thesis Professor Anton SCHWEIZER 後期・通常 火曜3限
G30 Research, Readings, and Methods Research, Readings, and Methods Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
前期・通常 火曜2限
G30 Research, Readings, and Methods Research in Japanese Humanities; co-taught by Van Goethem and Weiss Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
後期・通常 火曜2限
G30 Doctoral Dissertation Guidance Architecture and Spatial Experience in Premodern Japan Professor Anton SCHWEIZER 前期・隔週 火曜4限
G30 Research and Professional Development Preparing for Career Path Assistant Professor Yang Yu 前期・隔週 金曜3限